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New Zealand

Sirius Starmobile tiara airy

With high front visibility, the X-ray equipment with its slim body is easy to move and handle in a small hospital or patient’s room.

The content on this page is intended to healthcare professionals and equivalents.

Drive everywhere, reach anywhere.

Durable, yet maneuverable.

Easy touch, smooth quick operation.

Extend and explore the possibilities.

Take action and explore more possibilities. 

  • Patient care
  • Intensive care
  • Neonatal care
  • Surgery
  • Emergency

Silent Design 

A noiseless motor and shock absorbing suspension improve quiet and smooth maneuverability. 

High output + Small focal spot + Short time exposure = Superb image

Clear image quality is obtained by a small focal spot of 0.6mm and a maximum exposure current of 400mA. Difficulties for infants/children to pause during examination may be avoided by short exposure time.

Backup Exposure Function 

In the case of low battery, you can acquire several more images by using the additional radiography mode.