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ARIETTA 750LE - Cardiovascular

With an OLED monitor, this system supports early detection, diagnosis, and treatment.

This webpage content is intended for Healthcare Professionals only, not for general public.

In recent years, aging has increased globally, so interests in diagnosis of heart failure, which is common among the elderly, has also been increasing.
ARIETTA 750LE greatly reduces the dependence on the examinee with its high image quality and numerous examination workflow support functions, and provides safe and efficient examination for diagnosis and follow-up of heart failure.


Cardiac Functions

Supports automated measurement package based on Hemo Dynamic Structural Intelligence (HDSI), which is a unique analysis technology incorporating AI. EyeballEF measures ejection fraction (EF) automatically via the M.Simpson method.

  • Beat Mode: ED/ES auto detection
  • Doppler Cursor Assist: Auto setting of sample gate position
  • LV, LA, RA Volume auto measurement

Intelligent Series

iDGD(Dual Gate Doppler + R-R Navigation)

E/e', one of the key LV diastolic performance indices, is measured automatically in Dual Gate Doppler use. By using this in combination with R-R Navigation, iDGD detects an optimum heartbeat automatically, making it effective for arrhythmia cases.

  • Dual Gate Doppler: Enables observation of Doppler waveforms from two different locations in the same heart cycle.
  • R-R Navigation: Enables the detection of a stable R-R interval automatically.

Measurement time: Approx. 5 seconds 83% reduction in time taken (approximation compared to conventional systems)


Conducts various measurements via the 2D tracking method fully automatically.
One of them, Global Longitudinal Strain (GLS), is attracting attention in heart failure examinations.


Settings like the position of Color ROI and cursor can be set by a single click operation in Doppler examination of a vessel . Convex transducers are supported as well. Additionally, it is possible to measure the Intima-Media Thickness (IMT) automatically by Auto IMT.

40% reduction in time taken
(approximation compared to conventional systems)

iVascular for lower limb vessel examinations

iVascular can adjust the settings like the color ROI position and the sample gate position/size/angle by single click of a button in a Doppler examination of a vessel. Since this function is available in Trapezoid display as well, it can be expected to shorten the examination time not only for a carotid artery but also for a lower limb vessel.

Time to display the waveform (seconds)

35% reduction in time taken for lower limb vessel examinations (approximation compared to conventional systems.)


Wave Intensity (WI)

Unique functions to support more detailed evaluation of hemodynamics are supported.