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[photo] Fujifilm KF Series Binoculars with a white background

KF Series



  8 x 25 10 x 25
Magnification 8x 10x
Objective Lens 25mm 25mm
Eye Relief 15mm 15mm
FOV @1000 yds 351' 294'
Exit Pupil 3.1mm 2.5mm
Weight 380g 380g
Coating Multi Multi



  8 x 32 10 x 32
Magnification 8x 10x
Objective Lens 32mm 32mm
Eye Relief 14.5mm 14.5mm
FOV @1000 yds 396' 341'
Exit Pupil 4.0mm 3.2mm
Weight 540g 560g
Coating FMC, Phase and Sliver FMC, Phase and Sliver



  8 x 42 10 x 42
Magnification 8x 10x
Objective Lens 42mm 42mm
Eye Relief 15mm 13mm
FOV @1000 yds 393' 315'
Exit Pupil 5.25mm 4.2mm
Weight 670g 670g
Coating FMC & Phase FMC & Phase