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LTO Ultrium Data Cartridge - Video

FUJIFILM LTO tape is here to help you effectively manage your exponential data growth and preserve digital content sustainably for future generations.

Cost Optimazation

Harunobu Oki, FUJIFILM "Solving the 'Too Much Data with Too little Budget' Problem, and Other Storage Challenges"

Qingzhi Peng, Meta “Tape Cold Storage at Meta”

Vladimir Bahyl, CERN “CERN Active Archive with Tape”

Jamie Lerner, Quantum “Tape for Hyperscale Storage”

Data Protection

Harunobu Oki, FUJIFILM "Stop Ransomware. Secure your business with Fujifilm Object Archive"

Nathan Thompson, Spectra Logic “Reliability Metrics for Tape Storage”

Tony Mendoza, Spectra Logic “Surviving a Ransomware Attack with Tape Air Gap”

Tiered Storage

Jon Toor, Cloudian ”Hybrid Cloud with Tape Object Archive”

Nathan Thompson, Spectra Logic, “Market Opportunity for S3 Compatible Tape”


”Is Tape Really Eco-Friendly?”
A roundtable discussion among experts from Microsoft Azure, CERN, IBM and Brad Johns Consultants

Shawn Brume, IBM “Comparing Tape, HDD and SSD Sustainability Metrics”

Scalable Storage

Nikhil Jain, Microsoft “Microsoft Azure Solutions for Data Growth”

Shawn Brume, IBM “Tape Roadmaps and Tape Library Innovation”