Fuji Hunt EnviroNeg Developer 60 AC is a high replenishment rate developer specially designed for low throughput film processors, and ideal for use in today's minilabs. This developer will give improved process quality and stability for anyone running with minimal film volumes - even down to 3 to 5 films per day on a processor with a 10L developer tank.
Fuji Hunt EnviroNeg Developers for the C41RA process are available in VLR (15 ml/film - only for the very busiest of locations!), LR (21 ml/film) and standard EnviroNeg Developer AC versions to suit all types of standard C41RA minilabs. For low volume sites, switch to EnviroNeg Developer 60 AC to go with EnviroNeg RA Bleach 10 AC - the perfect low throughput combination. Chemistry is available in pack sizes to suit all users.
Fuji Hunt chemistry for the C41B process is available for (older) C41B minilab film processors - typically identified by having a bleach process time in the range 3 min to 4 min20 sec. Any of the developers mentioned above can be used, depending on the film volumes in your minilab and the developer tank size.
Fuji Hunt can supply a complete range of products for use in all Agfa equipment and in laboratories running Agfa Photo chemistry. All are fully compatible with existing Agfa chemistry and equipment, including all d-lab models and all Film Box equipped film processors. All products are fully tried and tested and can be used with complete confidence. You can find more info in the links below.
Website Product Sheet:
Fuji Hunt can supply a range of products for use in Konica equipment. You can find more info in the links below.
Website Product Sheet:
Low Throughput
Low Throughput
Fujifilm offers C41 Low Throughput Chemistry for all minilabs and other processors only achieving low film throughput.
Low film volumes are causing major quality problems at many laboratories - in particular high stain (DMin) and low speed and contrast. Conventional chemistry was just not formulated for the low film levels currently being experienced - and with volumes likely to get lower rather than better the problems can be expected to worsen. Fuji Hunt EnviroNeg Developer 60 AC and EnviroNeg RA Bleach 10 AC have been designed and introduced to allow you to maintain a good film process quality even with greatly reduced film volumes.
The picture below shows you how to choose your film developer.
EnviroNeg Developer 60 AC and EnviroNeg RA Bleach 10 AC
EnviroNeg Developer 60 AC is specially designed for use in all types of film processor that are having problems with low throughput. This includes minilabs, professional dip & dunk (hanger) type machines and hand lines (also known as deep tank processing), and even photofinishing processors that are now too big for your current film volumes. FUJIFILM has published separate Technical Information Sheets (TIS) for professional and photofinishing processors, available on our esclusivo web site. EnviroNeg RA Bleach 10 AC is designed as the ideal partner for EnviroNeg Developer 60 AC for use in all types of film processor that employ the C41RA process – typically minilabs. This single part bleach concentrate replaces your existing RA Bleach, and will greatly reduce the base stain in your process, with resulting increases in print shadow detail and overall print quality. EnviroNeg Developer 60 AC and EnviroNeg RA Bleach 10 AC have shown to give very considerable
improvements in both process stability and process quality with the minimum of effort on the part of the processor operator. These results have been proven with extended field testing over a long period of time.
For more detailed information on this topic, please click the link below.