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South Korea

instax SQUARE SQ6


Real life, beautifully squared.

[photo] Sample squared photo from the Instax SQUARE SQ6

Time goes by. Before you know it there are so many precious moments that you'll never have again.
The 1:1 square format instax SQUARE SQ6 captures the beauty in each and every moment, so that you can cherish those memories for a lifetime.

Square format

With square format, there's no need to waste a precious moment deciding whether to capture it in portrait or landscape - just pick up the camera and snap. And at 1.3 times the size of instax mini prints, there's plenty of room to set the scene. 

[photo] Square format sample photos from the Instax SQUARE SQ6 camera


Light / Dark Mode

Control the brightness of your photo and add a low-key or high-key effect.