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Ultraviolet light distribution measurement film


Frequently asked questions regarding UVSCALE

Q. How does it work?


The base film is coated with microcapsules that contain a color-forming agent that reacts to UV light and produces color.

Q. What is the range of wavelengths it can be used for?


Between 200 nm and 420 nm.

Q. What is the sensitivity level of each wavelength?


We do not provide detailed data on the sensitivity of each wavelength. Sensitivity peaks at around 300 nm.

Q. Can sunlight be measured?


Color will also come out by sunlight. However, as direct sunlight is very strong, color will form in a short amount of time. This makes it difficult to observe the effects of exposure to sunlight over long periods of time.

Q. Can lamps other than 365 nm lamps, high-pressure mercury lamps, metal-halide lamps, low-pressure mercury lamps,and UV-LED lamps be measured?


Accumulated light distribution can be measured. However, we do not have comparative data on accumulated light amounts and color densities for lamps other than those listed above, so we do not provide color samples for them. If you wish to obtain accumulated light amount values, you will need to gather comparative data on accumulated light amounts and color densities using your equipment and established measurement conditions, and conduct reviews based on the results.

Q. Can UV light be measured over a long span of time?


It depends on the illuminance of the UV lamp, but UVSCALE is mainly designed to measure UV light radiation over a span of a few seconds to a few minutes. If exposed to UV light radiation for too long, the UVSCALE's color density may become oversaturated.

Q. What is the transparent film that comes packaged?


It is a light-reducing film that is placed over the UVSCALE, making it possible to measure UV light of a higher light amount range than the L type.

Q. I purchased the LM type/H type, but the results are no different.


For Medium/High light level, you need to use the transparent light-reducing film that comes with the package. Make sure to place the light-reducing film on the UVSCALE before measurement.

Q. How does the light-reducing film work?


We have not disclosed information on the details of the light-reducing film.

Q. If I don't use the light-reducing film for H type, is it the same as the LM type?


We have only tested and reviewed the H type using the light-reducing film, so we do not recommend using it without the light-reducing film. If you wish to use the LM type, please purchase the LM type.

Q. Can illuminance levels be measured?


The formula is [illuminance] * [time] = [accumulated light amount], so it can be obtained by calculation.

Q. How much heat can it stand? Will heat affect the measurement results?


It can withstand up to 130°C. However, the higher the temperature, the produced color density of the UVSCALE becomes higher, and the UVSCALE and the light-reducing film may warp.

Q. Are there restrictions on the illumination environment?


With a white fluorescent lamp of about 500 lux, color will begin to form after about 20 to 30 minutes, but please use it as soon as possible. After light exposure is complete, put it in an opaque container such as a black bag to block light, and only take it out for observations or measurement. The tendency described above also changes depending on the strength and type of light. This change occurs with visible light, including light emitted from yellow lamps.

Q. Are there any precautions to take with regard to storage before use?


Keep it in the original package, avoid direct sunlight, and store it in a low-temperature environment (15°C or below).

Q. Are there any precautions to take with regard to storage after use?


After color is produced, immediately put it in an opaque bag and store it in a cool dark room. Do not let the color-forming surface come in contact with substances such as water, alcohol, solvents, and plasticizers, or objects such as blueprint paper, instant photographs, cellophane tape, PVC film, rubber items, or surfaces written on with permanent markers, as these items may cause the color to change or lower the color density.

Q. Can it be used repeatedly?


UVSCALE is a one-time use product.