
Robust Data Encryption that Protects Customer Privacy

No one need to tell you: for any customer-facing industry, protecting personal information is everything. When customers, employees and temp workers trust a retailer or merchant with their personal information, there’s no room for compromise. 

Given growing industry and government data privacy compliance mandates and the threat of data breaches, now more than ever, retailers need to be concerned about securing files containing business sensitive and customer information. Beyond obvious payment information, retail financial records, supply chain communications, business analytics and human resource files are prime targets for insider threats and cybercriminals. 

As regular data breach notifications due to sophisticated hackers continue to threaten businesses, retailers must protect themselves, their staff and the privacy of their hard-earned customers and maintain Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS).

FinalCode Solution

Retail businesses can rely on FinalCode to protect their sensitive file information. FinalCode’s patented CryptoEase™ technology adds a layer of file protection that remains persistent whether the file circulates internally or outside an organization. Offering a simple but powerful file-based Information Rights Management (IRM), organizations and file owner retains comprehensive file control and auditing capability with the means recipients and usage permissions or delete files remotely with a few clicks. Once active, FinalCode allows only authorized users to work with files in the applications they are accustomed to.

FinalCode allows you to

  • Share and collaborate safely with employees, vendors, customers, temp workers and contractors.
  • Protect work orders, pricing information, employee and temps HR information and business intelligence from file data leakage.
  • Keep customer’s personal identifiable information (PII) and financial transactions secure with centralized information rights management.
  • Allow only authorized recipients to access business-critical files via any device or network.
  • Keep financial information and business intelligence safe with end-to-end file encryption and remote delete and deny actions.
  • Prevent lawsuits and negative publicity by enhancing data loss prevention and extending breach notification safe harbor capabilities.

Because it’s infrastructure, application and device agnostic, FinalCode is easy to deploy and integrate into your existing architecture, and can readily add employees, contractors and suppliers into the file trust system. 

FinalCode persistent file security platform can be applied by department, application or business need. Whether you’re a global retailer, a national franchise or regional, your company can readily secure your sensitive files as they are shared between recipients and as they move across file servers, networks, devices and communication channels – protecting your business reputation while ensuring customer and partner confidence.

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