customer satisfaction

Driving Customer Satisfaction with RPA

The multinational firm PricewaterhouseCoopers has estimated that the robotic process automation (RPA) market in the Asia Pacific region alone is worth USD 2.9 billion—a figure that represents a 203% growth rate over the last five years.

While RPA itself is relatively new (the label itself was only coined in 2000), its forerunners have been present for decades in the form of innovations such as machine learning, natural language processing, screen scraping, and optical character recognition.

Adoption of RPA has been growing rapidly in many industries and companies. Some of the most common business processes that can reap huge benefits from RPA include the following:

·              Finance: managing payroll and reconciling accounts

·              Human Resources: onboarding employees and renewing contracts

·              Logistics: fulfilling orders and scheduling tasks

·              Sales: handling inquiries and processing invoices.

One of the most promising benefits that can be reaped from RPA, however, lies in profoundly driving customer satisfaction.

How Can RPA Drive Customer Satisfaction?

The benefits that RPA offers in terms of improving customer satisfaction are manifold. In this article, we’ll focus on just three of these benefits:

Building Scalability to Address Unexpected Surge in Demands

The sheer unpredictability of today’s marketplace means that companies can routinely experience abrupt surges in customer-related activity. These activities can range from having to fulfil a sudden influx of orders to having to address an unexpected flood of customer enquiries. Such unforeseen demands can quickly reduce customer satisfaction if the company doesn’t have the resources needed to manage rapid spikes in activity.

RPA allows businesses to handle such situations without having to acquire additional human resources (a process that, in itself, also requires substantial investments of money and time). In the first place, RPA programs can accomplish several customer-driven tasks in less time and with fewer errors than human employees, allowing for speedier transactions and faster resolutions. In the second place, RPA solutions operate 24/7, enabling work to be accomplished round-the-clock.

Delivering Personalised Marketing with Intelligent Communication

While today’s consumers are used to marketing campaigns that take things like their usage habits, buying history, and geographical location into account, RPA allows companies to customise their marketing efforts to an unprecedented level of precision.

RPA can be used to collect more nuanced data about target audiences and to use the information to create and deliver highly tailored experiences based on a consumer’s unique preferences. As an example of the latter, RPA can be utilised to not just access stored customer data, but also use the information to automatically create, modify, and deliver campaign materials.

This degree of automated, content-driven personalisation drives the efficacy and efficiency of marketing initiatives—while also freeing marketing teams from the time-consuming, painstaking, and error-prone tasks of manually tracking, updating, and mining consumer data.

Analysing Customer Data for Maximum Insights

Businesses routinely collect vast amounts of data that can be used to improve how their offerings are designed and delivered. However, this data only becomes useful after it’s been thoroughly analysed. Improved data analytics is one of the largest benefits that RPA provides.

For example, by using RPA to collect and sort data into predetermined fields, companies can make decisions and allocate resources more easily and quickly across various levels of their businesses. RPA has been used to this effect in addressing customer issues, with RPA-based solutions being applied to address the simple and repetitive concerns that comprise the majority of customer complaints.

This type of customer service automation allows businesses to handle customer issues in far less time and with far more accuracy—thereby avoiding the delays and mistakes that lead to customer dissatisfaction in the first place.

How Can FUJIFILM Business Help You Leverage the Power of RPA?

FUJIFILM Business Innovation helps your company integrate front-end customer engagement systems with back-end document workflows. Our RPA solutions allow businesses to expedite workflows and facilitate decision-making with minimal human intervention.

Contact FUJIFILM Business Innovation Sales Representative to learn more.

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