Inbound Services


Digitally consolidate and automate business workflow to drive growth, reduce costs and increase speed to market. Add intelligence and structure to digital and paper communications, activate your customers content and streamline business processes. FUJIFILM can consolidate and automate business workflow to drive growth, reduce costs, increase speed to market and transform paper-based processes into digital multi-channel capture.

Claims Processing


Receive, classify, process and respond to customer claims and other forms in an automated ‘straight through’ digital environment. Manually processing your inbound customer claims and other forms not only takes a long time, but also leads to a high risk of human error, poor customer satisfaction and ongoing rework costs. Many insurance companies have moved towards a more automated digital processing capability to mitigate these risks and respond quickly and effectively to their valued customers.


Our Claims Processing solution is an ideal tool to manage activities that your staff must perform to process customer claims, application forms or other forms you receive from your customers. The goal with Inbound Process Automation is, as much as possible, to automatically process the content that has been received from your customers and achieve as high a level as possible of Straight Through Processing (STP).


The benefits of our services is a reduction in processing costs and an enhanced claims processing rate, ultimately leading to an improved expense ratio, reduction in claims leakage and an information system that accurately recalls and provides information to customers promptly.


Digital Mailroom


Remove costs and significantly improve the efficiency to process inbound business mail. With more and more of your inbound business mail being received in a digital format the need for maintaining costly on-site mailrooms and the human resources to manage them is becoming obsolete. With the increasing pressure on your business to improve the efficiency of back office mailroom operations, do more with less, free up operational time, space and money to focus on your customers it makes sense to seek a better way. The automation of document handling, document capture and workflow provides many benefits including a reduction in the cost of processing, an improvement in processing times and greater visibility of the process.


Return Mail Services


Automate your process for handling time consuming return mail and more importantly reduce the percentage of undelivered communications. Manually processing your inbound return ‘undelivered’ mail not only takes a long time, but also leads to a high risk of human error, poor customer satisfaction and ongoing rework costs. Many organisations have moved towards a more automated digital processing capability to mitigate these risks and more importantly improve the quality of their customer address data which in turn significantly reduces the percentage of return mail and decreases the expensive wasted postage fees.

Election Processing


Receive, classify, process and count completed ballot papers in shorter timeframes with maximum accuracy. Employing a semi automated ballot paper scanning process using optical character recognition (OCR) to capture voter preferences with verification by trained operators. This significantly reduces the human effort, the time and the cost of manually capturing voter preferences for elections of any scale. Our election processing solution is based on the latest scanning technology and can be deployed across one or more of our state operations whether the election is local, state or national. The benefits of our solution is a reduction in ballot paper processing costs, enhanced accuracy, security, reduced manual intervention and therefore human error.

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