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product image Superia 128

Supria 128 - System

"Supria128" Intends to Prove Next Standard CT

The content on this page is intended to healthcare professionals and equivalents.

"Supria128" Intends to Prove Comfortable Work Environment

Simple Dose Report

Dose information can be transferred as a secondary capture image. Using the image viewer, the dose information can be checked together with the CT image.


Using the DICOM standard, it is possible to transfer dose information as a DICOM Structured Report (DICOM SR).

Small footprint with 3-unit configuration

Only the gantry, the patient table, and the operation console configuration*1 is realized. There are no other separate units with build-in system transformer, so the space in the CT room can be used effectively.

  • *1 For power supply voltage 200V

Eco mode reduces stand-by power consumption

Supria128 is equipped with both On-time stand-by and Off-time mode function. With these Eco mode functions, it reduces power consumption of equipment in the gantry and energization time of the X-ray detector, thereby reducing power consumption during stand-by.

Global Network

We are committed to delivering advanced solutions, including diagnostic imaging equipment that meets the needs of physicians and patients.

Network Superia 128