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CSR Activity - Sponsoring

FUJIFILM wants to show its social commitment and make a valuable contribution to the local society. Whether it concerns financial support, the supply of materials or the sharing of knowledge. We make well-considered choices. For its sponsorship policy, FUJIFILM focuses on areas that are in line with the company's policy:

  • Nature and the environment 
  • Innovation and sustainability 
  • Photography and offset plates 
  • (Technical) education 

The FUJIFILM Tilburg sponsoring policy is mainly aimed at the direct, local area. Over the years, FUJIFILM Tilburg has been able to support many different clubs, events and initiatives. It is possible to submit a request for sponsorship or donation via communications_ef@FUJIFILM.com.

Examples of projects we have supported:
Employee voluntary work

Every year, FUJIFILM Tilburg employees have the opportunity to contribute to society and do one day of volunteer work. One day a year 100 to 200 colleagues join the program.  The employee volunteer work is given shape in cooperation with Contour.

Tilburg Ten Miles

For several years FUJIFILM Tilburg has been one of the main sponsors of the FUJIFILM Business run of the Tilburg Ten Miles. The Tilburg Ten Miles is a running event in which the top runners of the running world participate every year. The Business Run is a separate part, with a friendly competition between companies and institutions.


FUJIFILM has contributed for years to the restoration of estate Huis ter Heide. This nature reserve is located close to the FUJIFILM terrain. In recent years, Natuurmonumenten has restored a large heathland and fens area here. With the cooperation of FUJIFILM, for example, a herd of sheep has been deployed to keep the heathland in good condition. FUJIFILM also supported the construction of new footpaths.