Home News FUJIFILM Corporation’s instax and Undisputed announce strategic partnership to support the culture, community and competition of Breaking

August 10, 2022

FUJIFILM Corporation’s instax and Undisputed announce strategic partnership to support the culture, community and competition of Breaking

About FUJIFILM Corporation’s instax

For over 20 years instax, the instant camera brand from FUJIFILM Corporation, has been creating cameras which instantly produce real film photos in either mini, SQUARE and WIDE formats. FUJIFILM Corporation’s instax has changed the way people all over the world capture moments since its launch in 1998; resulting in becoming the world leader in instant photography. The flagship products include the mini 11, mini 40, mini LiPlay, mini Evo, SQUARE SQ1, SQ20, WIDE 300, mini Link 2 and Link WIDE printer among others. 

For more information, please visit: 

About Undisputed

Established in 2013, Undisputed connected the most prestigious solo Breaking competitions into a world series with their respective champions competing at a Masters championship. From 2014 to 2019 the Undisputed “World B-Boy Series” featured 52 competitions and 6 Masters events. Undisputed has innovated the development of competition rankings and the Trivium judging system that will be used at Paris 2024. 

As of 2022 after a 2 year hiatus due to the Covid-19 pandemic, Undisputed in partnership with FUJIFILM Corporation’s instax presents a new series of Masters events in London, Amsterdam, Los Angeles and Tokyo. The tour will feature invited Olympic contenders plus current world and continental champions. Joining them in the competition will be the winners from open solo men, womens and crew qualifiers.

Contact information:

Andy Ross
Deputy Head of Corporate Communications – Europe
Tel: +44 (0)7766 497949