
Dynamix iXS - Specifications

Quality assurance for your industry – the iXS system gives you an in-depth insight into your products.

Radiation source
  X160 X225 X320
Energy 160 kV 225 kV 320 kV
Power 800 W, 1,800 W 800 W, 1,800 W 800 W, 1,800 W
Focal spot – EN 12543 0.4 mm, 1.0 mm 0.4 mm, 1.0 mm 0.4 mm, 1.0 mm
Tube filtration 0.8 mm Be 0.8 mm Be 4 mm Be
Cooling system Water/glycol Water/glycol Oil
Duty cycle 100% 100% 100%
Detector type DynamIx FXR 1611 / 1621 / 3025
Pixel size 100 or 200 µm
Active area 250 x 300 mm or 410 x 410 mm
Horizontal X-axis ± 400 mm
Horizontal Y-axis ± 400 mm
Vertical Z-axis ± 500 mm
Rotation W-axis 360°, endless
Tilt U-axis ± 30°
Max. part weight/dimensions   50 kg / 600 x 750 mm
Internal dimensions (L x W x H) 1,500 x 1,500 x 1,900 mm
External dimensions (L x W x H) 2,067 x 1,870 x 2,332 mm
External radiation dose < 1 µS/h
Window RD50 / 200 x 200 mm
Weight 5,000 x 8,000 kg

Specifications are subject to change, other X-ray sources or dimensions on request.