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January 6, 2022

FUJIFILM Holdings announces new climate action targets

- Fully operating on carbon-free energy by FY2040
- Addressing climate change through Fujifilm’s new “Green Value Climate Strategy”

TOKYO, January 6, 2022 – FUJIFILM Holdings Corporation (President and CEO, Representative Director: Teiichi Goto) announces new climate action targets to reduce CO2 emissions as it accelerates initiatives towards a zero-carbon future. Fujifilm Group will be fully operating on carbon-free energy*1 by the Fiscal Year ending March 2041 (FY2040) and will reduce CO2 emissions across the entire product life cycle from the procurement of raw materials to manufacturing, transportation, use and disposal by 50% (compared to FY2019 levels) by FY2030. To achieve these targets, Fujifilm launched a new Fujifilm Group environmental strategy, “Green Value Climate Strategy,” which includes promoting “Green Value Manufacturing” – a strategy to manufacture with a lower environmental impact, and delivering “Green Value Products” for products and services with excellent environmental performance.

“Fujifilm has been actively promoting actions to reduce the impact of climate change based on a strong and fundamental belief that environmental conservation is at the core of all Fujifilm’s corporate activities,” said Chisato Yoshizawa, corporate vice president, ESG, FUJIFILM Holdings Corporation. “Fujifilm is accelerating its climate change ambitions believing that the climate actions over the next 10 years will bring meaningful results in the future. The Fujifilm Group will continue to implement active initiatives for solving climate change issues, thereby helping to establish a zero-carbon future.”

Fujifilm has been implementing climate change measures under the “Sustainable Value Plan 2030 (SVP2030)” covering the period to FY2030 from the perspectives of “resolving social issues through business activities” and “giving environmental and social considerations in business processes.” CO2 emissions have been steadily reduced across the Fujifilm Group through developing environmentally conscious products and services, while adopting energy-efficient manufacturing facilities. In July 2020, the previous target of “reducing CO2 emissions across the entire product life cycle by 30% (compared to FY2013 levels) by FY2030” was raised to “45% reduction (compared to FY2013 levels).” Fujifilm achieved 41% reduction (compared to FY2013 levels) in FY2020.

The new target is aligned with 1.5 degrees Celsius target set in the Paris Agreement. In addition to implementing measures based on the new Green Value Climate Strategy, Fujifilm is also adopting internal carbon pricing.

New CO2 emissions reduction targets


New target

Previous target

1) Level of CO2 emissions reduction across the entire product life cycle by FY2030

50% compared to FY2019 levels

(65% compared to FY2013 levels)

45% compared to FY2013 levels

2)Timing of achieving zero-CO2 emissions from manufacturing



Reducing CO2 emissions in the entire product lifecycle: Targets and Results
Road Map for Scope 1 & 2 CO2 Emissions

Measures for achieving the new targets and building a carbon-zero society

1. Manufacturing with a lower environmental impact (Green Value Manufacturing)

  • Fujifilm uses fuel in the manufacturing process of display materials and various other advanced films, which account for about half of Fujifilm Group’s energy use. To achieve carbon-free energy usage, Fujifilm will designate the Ashigara Site of Kanagawa Factory and Fujinomiya Factory in Japan as “carbon neutral model plants.” At these factories, Fujifilm will promote the introduction and implementation of fuels that do not emit CO2, such as hydrogen and synthetic methane.
  • Fujifilm will work to broaden the lineup of specialty chemicals produced through flow synthesis*2, which has a greater CO2 emission reduction effect. Also in contract development and manufacturing business for biopharmaceuticals, Fujifilm is promoting the development of high-efficiency / high-productivity technologies and selecting optimal locations for its production sites to be close in proximity to customers.

2. Creation / promotion of products and services that offer excellent environmental performance (Green Value Products)

  • In order to accelerate the delivery of products and services with excellent environmental performance, Fujifilm has been certifying its own products and services that meet specific environmental criteria according to Fujifilm Group “Green Value Products” certification program since FY2018. The program is, designed in compliance with ISO14021, an international standard defined by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), since FY2018.
  • A Group-wide ranking structure (Diamond, Gold and Silver) is set, and 166 products have been selected as the Green Value Products.
  • Fujifilm has set the target of bringing the sales ratio of Green Value Products to 60% of total revenues.
Fujifilm Group Green Value Products

Standard environmentally conscious products: Products and services that reduce environmental impact at the standard level among their respective industries. Environmental impacts are considered in the process of developing of these products and services.


Ranking criteria


Products and services that reduce environmental impact more than the highest level among their respective industries by utilizing innovative technologies


Products and services that reduce environmental impact at the highest level among their respective industries


Products and services that reduce environmental impact at a higher level than their respective industries' standard


3. Adopting business-specific targets in line with the new environmental strategy

  • Based on the new target, Fujifilm has set CO2 emissions reduction target in manufacturing in all 14 businesses, as well as targets according to the position of each business in the value chain and the characteristics of the products and services.

    (1) Businesses with large CO2 emissions when procuring raw materials or using products:
    Set CO2 emissions reduction target of the value chain

    (2) Business with the products and services that have a large CO2 reduction effect in society:
    Set social contribution target for each product, such as magnetic tape which does not require electricity when storing data, thereby significantly reduces CO2 emissions.

4. Introducing internal carbon pricing

  • Fujifilm will introduce internal carbon pricing, originally implemented as a risk assessment tool, as one of the indicators in future investment decisions. The financial impact of future carbon prices and emissions trading rates will be reflected in decisions on investment.


*1 Direct emission from the company at the manufacturing stage of the product (Scope 1) and indirect emission due to the use of electricity / steam supplied from other companies (Scope 2)

*2 A method of chemical synthesis in which a chemical substance, a raw material, is continuously supplied to a very fine tube with a diameter of several hundred microns to several millimeters to mix and react. Since a certain amount of raw material is continuously added according to the production amount and the reaction conditions can be precisely controlled, the energy required for heating and cooling can be reduced. It is also possible to reduce the amount of solvent and waste, thereby the environmental impact can be reduced compared to the conventional batch synthesis.

For inquiries about information in this media release, contact:

Media contact: FUJIFILM Holdings Corporation
Corporate Communications Division Public Relations Group 
TEL: +81-3-6271-2000