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[photo] Printing on a paper in progress on a printing machine

Plates - Newspaper - Overview

FUJIFILM has created plates that deliver consistent quality right through long print runs.



The SUPERIA Ecomaxx-TN Processless Thermal Plate – to complement the renowned no-bake, medium-run SUPERIA LH-PJ plate and the newly introduced no-bake, long-run SUPERIA LH-PL thermal CTP plate. As the industry’s only truly processless plate, the Ecomaxx-TN has the smallest environmental footprint. There is no effluent to dispose of and no additional consumables to contend with, which is not only good for the environment, but also an advantage for printers.

The SUPERIA Ecomaxx-TN is a true no-process plate and allows environmentally conscious printers the ability to use high quality thermal plates without processing chemicals. Sustainability is not only a key issue for printers today, but it’s also one for Fujifilm who has dedicated years of R&D efforts to removing the processing stage from the print production workflow – the result is a true no-process plate with extremely high quality print characteristics.

No processing means the elimination of processing chemicals and the associated costs, saving the customer significant time and money – all without compromise in quality. Compatible with most thermal platesetters, Fujifilm’s Superia Ecomaxx-TN is a non-ablative plate that carries a latent image with distinct contrast, allowing for simple inspection after imaging.

MultiGrain technology provides unsurpassed ink and water balance and savings on press. Supporting run lengths of up to 100,000 impressions, the SUPERIA Ecomaxx-TN will comfortably meet the demands of most commercial printers while minimizing impact on our environment.


  • True processless technology allows the plate to be imaged and mounted directly on press for immediate use
  • Higher polymer sensitivity results in faster imaging
  • MultiGrain surface structure for optimum ink/water balance
  • 1-99% at 200 lpi conventional and 300 lpi FM and hybrid screening technologies
  • No ablation debri
Fujifilm HD LH-NN2

Fujifilm HD LH-NN2

For newspaper production, Fujifilm has also introduced the LH-NN2 plate designed for use with high throughput thermal platesetters commonly used by newspaper printers. The LH-NN2 delivers superior plate making results in a clean operating environment while also providing superior on press startup and restart performance.

LH-NN2 Dedicated high speed photopolymer plate for thermal laser platesetters

Unlike other manufacturers that simply supply commercial printing plates to newspapers, Fujifilm has designed its plates to produce the best possible performance on newspaper presses – without compromise. All plates (LH-NN2, LP-NNV, Ecomaxx-VN, and Ecomaxx-TN) are dedicated newspaper plates.


  • Negative working
  • Sensitivity designed for high throughput PPH thermal applications
  • Long, clean developer cycles
  • Durable image layer for extra run length


Unlike other manufacturers that simply supply commercial printing plates to newspapers, Fujifilm has designed its plates to produce the best possible performance on newspaper presses – without compromise. All plates (LP-NN2, LP-NNV and FNE) are dedicated newspaper plates.

Printing newspapers puts heavy demands on plates: they need to be quick to make and must deliver consistent quality right through long print runs. Fujifilm’s research and development team has created a range of plates that more than fulfill these criteria. Whatever plate-making system you use, there is a Fujifilm plate that is perfect for your needs.

High productivity

Fujifilm plates use high sensitive coatings for increased productivity and imaging latitude.

Flexible processing

Fujifilm plates have a wide processing latitude and can typically be developed in processors already installed on site, which saves money and increases flexibility.vering thorough clean-out for efficient on press performance.

Consistent image quality

Fujifilm’s coating technology offers wide exposure latitude and stable dot on press.
Better chemistry saves time.
Not only do Fujifilm developers work longer, but processors are easier to clean, which means fewer man-hours cleaning processors and disposing of spent chemicals.

Easy handling

The range of dedicated newspaper plates has advanced handling performance. Both LP-NNV and FNE can be handled under yellow safelight

Sharper dot

Fujifilm photopolymer newspaper plates are superior in dot reproduction. Less dot gain makes adjustment of the calibration curve easy, allowing for consistent printing quality throughout the entire run.


  • Top-coated matte surface allows quick film drawdown that speeds up production, and virtually eliminates halation
  • Diazo polymer delivers fast exposure speed for high throughput and true reproduction characteristics
  • Aqueous developer provides a clean operating environment and wide operating latitude while delivering thorough clean-out for efficient on press performance
  • Fast roll-up, clean restarts, wide ink/water balance performance and good scum resistance
Fujifilm LP-NNV

Fujifilm LP-NNV

This plate is developed exclusively for the Newspaper industry of tomorrow. The pre-press and printing conditions associated with Newspaper production were key to the design and development of the LP-NNV plate.

High speed photopolymer for violet LD newspaper platesetters.

Wide operating parameters

Fujiflm LP-NNV has a new emulsion providing wide imaging and processing latitudes giving repeatable, dependable printed results.

From the leaders in violet technology

First launched at Ipex 2002, Fujifilm’s violet photopolymer technology offers benchmark quality and cost of ownership performance, and is now being successfully used by many print companies all around the world. LP-NNV represents the very latest evolution of this technology, building on years of R&D and manufacturing expertise in violet photopolymer plate production.

Reliable print performance

The new violet LP-NNV plate has been designed to stand up to the rigorous demands of tomorrows' press hall. With most CTP plates, the image will sharpen or reduce in size during the print run because of the aggressive press conditions. LP-NNV has enhanced properties to resist image sharpening enabling the printed copy to remain consistent during the print run.

Clean working system

The new LP-NNV plate works with the existing family of plate developers providing a clean, low maintenance processing environment. Added to this is the low chemical replenishment requirement giving a winning combination.


  • Negative working photopolymer
  • High sensitivity supports very high PPH during peak production
  • Superior on-press performance
  • Long, clean developer cycles


Printing newspapers puts heavy demands on plates: they need to be quick to make and must deliver consistent quality right through long print runs. Fujifilm’s research and development team has created a range of plates that more than fulfill these criteria. Whatever plate-making system you use, there is a Fujifilm plate that is perfect for your needs.

High productivity

Fujifilm plates use high sensitive coatings for increased productivity and imaging latitude.

Flexible processing

Fujifilm plates have a wide processing latitude and can typically be developed in processors already installed on site, which saves money and increases flexibility.vering thorough clean-out for efficient on press performance.

Consistent image quality

Fujifilm’s coating technology offers wide exposure latitude and stable dot on press. Better chemistry saves time. Not only do Fujifilm developers work longer, but processors are easier to clean, which means fewer man-hours cleaning processors and disposing of spent chemicals.

Easy handling

The range of dedicated newspaper plates has advanced handling performance. Both LP-NNV and FNE can be handled under yellow safelight

Sharper dot

Fujifilm photopolymer newspaper plates are superior in dot reproduction. Less dot gain makes adjustment of the calibration curve easy, allowing for consistent printing quality throughout the run.


  • Lo-chem system reduces pH level of processing system
  • No water rinse option for less system effluent
  • Simple, clean maintenance for less operator burden
  • Wide exposure latitude provides imaging stability and repeatability
  • Fast roll-up, clean restarts, wide ink/water balance performance, and good scum resistance