Home Business Optical Devices Projector Projector FP-Z5000 Projector FP-Z5000: Specifications

Projector FP-Z5000 - Specifications

NEW Discontinued
Main Specifications
Model name FP-Z5000
DLP chip Size 0.65" (aspect ratio 16:9)
Display method 1 chip DLP
Number of pixels 2,073,600 pixels (1920×1080)
Lens Type Folded two-axial rotatable lens
Shift Electrical:V±82% H±35%
Zoom Electrical:x1.0 - x1.1
Focus Electrical
Throw ratio
(TR value*1)
0.34 (Wide) - 0.37 (Tele)
Focal length f=5.0mm (Wide) - 5.5mm (Tele)
F No. F2.4 (Wide) - F2.49 (Tele)
Light source Laser diode
Brightness 5,000lm
Contrast ratio 1,2000:1
Projected image size 70 - 300 inches, 
approx. 0.5m - 2.3m
Built-in Speaker 10W×1
Scanning frequency Horizontal 15K - 102KHz
Vertical 23K - 120Hz
Maximum display resolution(W×H) 1920×1080
Input/output terminals HDMI 3 terminals
RJ-45 1 terminal
USB (DC5V Output) 1 terminal TypeA
Usage environment Operating temperature 0 - 40℃(without condensation)
Storage temperature -10 to 50℃(without condensation)
Power supply AC100V - 240V 50/60Hz
Maximum power consumption 700W
Power consumption (on standby) 0.5W
Dimensions 470mm (W) x 375mm (D) x 108mm (H)
(when the lens is folded in, excluding protrusions)
Weight Approx.12 kg
Accessories Remote control, 2 AAA batteries, lens cap,
HDMI cable (1.8m), power supply cable (3.0m),
2 vertical installation stands,basic manual

Specifications and Product appearance are subject to change without notice.
*1 Throw Ratio(TR) is the ratio of the projection distance to the screen width.

Projection Distance
■Table of Horizontal Projection Distances

【Aspect Ratio 16: 9】

16:9 Screen ① Projection distance (cm) ② Lens shift (cm)
Size (inches) Width (cm) × Height (cm) Wide - Tele Lowest - Highest
70 155 × 87 52 - 57 -115 - 28
80 177 × 100 59 - 65 -131 - 32
90 199 × 112 67 - 74 -148 - 36
100 221 × 125 75 - 82 -164 - 40
120 266 × 149 90 - 99 -197 - 48
150 332 × 187 113 - 124 -247 - 60
200 443 × 249 151 - 166 -329 - 80
250 553 × 311 189 - 208 -411 - 100
300 664 × 374 227 - 250 -493 - 120

【Aspect Ratio 16: 10】

16:10 Screen ① Projection distance (cm) ② Lens shift (cm)
Size (inches) Width (cm) × Height (cm) Wide - Tele Lowest - Highest
70 151 × 85 56 - 62 -112 - 27
80 172 × 97 64 - 71 -128 - 31
90 194 × 109 72 - 80 -144 - 35
100 215 × 121 81 - 89 -160 - 39
120 258 × 145 97 - 107 -192 - 47
150 323 × 182 122 - 134 -240 - 58
200 431 × 242 163 - 179 -320 - 78
250 538 × 303 204 - 225 -400 - 97
300 646 × 363 245 - 270 -480 - 116

【Aspect Ratio 4: 3】

4:3 Screen ① Projection distance (cm) ② Lens shift (cm)
Size (inches) Width (cm) × Height (cm) Wide - Tele Lowest - Highest
60 122 × 91 54 - 60 -121 - 29
70 142 × 107 64 - 70 -141 - 34
80 163 × 122 73 - 80 -161 - 39
90 183 × 137 82 - 91 -181 - 44
100 203 × 152 92 - 101 -201 - 49
120 244 × 183 110 - 121 -241 - 59
150 305 × 229 138 - 152 -302 - 73
200 406 × 305 185 - 203 -402 - 98
240 488 × 366 222 - 244 -483 - 117
■Table of Vertical Projection Distance

【Aspect Ratio 16: 9】

16:9 Screen ① Projection distance (cm) ② Lens shift (cm)
Size (inches) Width (cm) × Height (cm) Wide - Tele Lowest - Highest
70 87 × 155 52 - 57 -132 - -23
80 100 × 177 59 - 65 -151 - -27
90 112 × 199 67 - 74 -169 - -30
100 125 × 221 75 - 82 -188 - -33
120 149 × 266 90 - 99 -226 - -40
150 187 × 332 113 - 124 -282 - -50
200 249 × 443 151 - 166 -376 - 66
250 311 × 553 189 - 208 -470 - -83
300 374 × 664 227 - 250 -565 - -100

【Aspect Ratio 16: 10】

16:10 Screen ① Projection distance (cm) ② Lens shift (cm)
Size (inches) Width (cm) × Height (cm) Wide - Tele Lowest - Highest
70 85 × 151 56 - 62 -134 - -17
80 97 × 172 64 - 71 -153 - -19
90 109 × 194 72 - 80 -172 - -22
100 121 × 215 81 - 89 -191 - -24
120 145 × 258 97 - 107 -230 - -29
150 182 × 323 122 - 134 -287 - 36
200 242 × 431 163 - 179 -383 - -48
250 303 × 538 204 - 225 -479 - -60
300 363 × 646 245 - 270 -574 - -72

【Aspect Ratio 4: 3】

4:3 Screen ① Projection distance (cm) ② Lens shift (cm)
Size (inches) Width (cm) × Height (cm) Wide - Tele Lowest - Highest
60 91 × 122 54 - 60 -118 - -4
70 107 × 142 64 - 70 -137 - -5
80 122 × 163 73 - 80 -157 - -5
90 137 × 183 82 - 91 -177 - -6
100 152 × 203 92 - 101 -196 - -7
120 183 × 244 110 - 121 -236 - -8
150 229 × 305 138 - 152 -295 - -10
200 305 × 406 185 - 203 -393 - -14
240 366 × 488 222 - 244 -471 - -16

*refers to % difference between the approximate calculation and the numbers in the above table.

*refers to % difference between the approximate calculation and the numbers in the above table.

Supported resolutions


Resolution Signal Refresh rate (Hz)
VGA 640x480 60
SVGA 800x600 60
XGA 1024x768 60
WXGA 1280x768 60
1280x800 60
1366x768 60
SXGA 1280x960 60
1280x1024 60
SXGA+ 1400x1050 60
WXGA+ 1440x900 60
WSXGA+ 1680x1050 60
UXGA 1600x1200 60
WUXGA 1920x1200 60
SDTV(480i) 720x480 60
SDTV(480p) 720x480 60
SDTV(576i) 720x576 50
SDTV(576p) 720x576 50
HDTV(720p) 1280x720 60/50
HDTV(1080i) 1920X1080 60/50
HDTV(1080p) 1920x1080 60/50