Home Business Inspectional Products Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) System Software for DynamIx - DynamIx VU DynamIx VU : Features

Software for DynamIx

DynamIx VU - Features


Diagnostic imaging software with the highest level of image processing technology for testing standards.

Promising keys for outstanding image quality ― world's top class*1 high spatial and density resolution and Excellent signal to noise ratio (SNR)
[logo] HQ text with High Quality written underneath
Unique image processing and wide dynamic range bringing high accuracy to every inspection
[image] FCR technology during inspection of image processing
DynamIx VU Thickness*2 measurement — the automatic measurement tool makes corrosion tests easier
[image] A left and a right arrow facing each other separated by a thick semi-rounded wall
  • *2 Available as an option.
  • *3 The measurement method conforms to HOIS (09) RP1.
Long IPs enabling efficient exposure of welded pipe joints
[image] Welded pipe joints with a counter clockwise blue arrow over it.
[image] Software screenshot the entire Long IP image and the close-up highlighted in red
Computerized contrast normalization according to the ASTM*4 standard
[image] Computerized contrast/density normalization
  • *4 American Society for Testing and Materials International, a standardization organization.
  • *5 Available as an option.
  • *6 Steel, aluminum and titanium, as of August 2012
One click between modes
[image] A computer monitor and keyboard on a desk
Reading and inspection possible on one computer

The software enables reading and inspection to be conducted on a computer, with quick switching between the screens. Access to the image database is also smooth, so that an image appears on the inspection screen instantly after it is read. This feature enhances the work efficiency in each process.

More reliable assessment and greater traceability
[photo] A checkmark on a gray background
Minimized human labor for image quality assessment. Easy input of defect determination results on the special screen

DynamIx VU newly offers DynamIx VU Judge*7 the automatic image quality assessment. This program calculates the image quality index based on the measured normalized signal-to-noise ratio (NSNR) of an image, and assesses if the index conforms to a standard image quality assessment index. This saves the need of measurement and calculation by humans.

In addition to ISO standards, industry-specific standards are supported as the assessment criteria. The screen to input defect determination results is offered. The results can be recorded on the system.

Automatic recording of all assessments for greater reliability

Each assessment is recorded according to who, when and what, contributing to the enhanced traceability.

[image] Software screenshots of the Log panel highlighting the Image Quality Assessment and Defect Determination screens in red
  • *7 Available as an option.

Simple work status management and data search with the entire test procedure visualized
[image] A workflow process
Easy to view images displayed on the ergonomic monitor
[image] Close of an eye drawn with a sideways cone
Flexible network configuration and communication to create an optimum workflow environment
[image] A computer network comprising 6 computers connecting to a main server
Strengthened security with user authority control
alt="[image] Close up of a man's silhoutte with a large key in the middle