The content on this page is intended to healthcare professionals and equivalents.
Lateral Table Shift

Unique table technology permits left – right lateral movement inside the scanner. Simplifies patient positioning for the technologist and easier on the patient. Eliminates the need for uncomfortable "superman" position for extremities.
Workflow Coils

Integrated radiofrequency (RF) coils designed to streamline workflow and improve throughput. It is the first of its kind for FUJIFILM open MRI, promoting fast spine and abdominal work.
High Homogeneity

HOSS(High Order Shim System) enables exquisite RF fat saturation and excellent large FOV fat suppression in all planes with two levels of shimming.

High speed imaging combines parallel imaging, sparse sampling (3D) and iterative processing methods to reduce scan time and increase image quality, improve throughput and patient satisfaction.
Blanket RF Technology

A powerful combination of multi-channel RF technology and Fujifilm exclusive RF coil technology, driving excellent image quality, seamless workflow, wide clinical capability and better patient comfort.
User Interface

Operator ease of use for better workflow. Anatomic regions are easily selected by icons on screen with a library of protocols displayed for the technologist to choose from. Simultaneous post processing and scanning to aid the technologist.