The content on this page is intended to healthcare professionals and equivalents.
For every woman to own their lives and shine bright,
Fujifilm, with our expertise and technologies, supports women regardless of their health problems or life stages.

“Value from Innovation” is Fujifilm’s global corporate slogan.
We have continuously created social values and impacts with our own technologies and knowledges accumulated from a wide range of expertise.
Now, it is time we do the same in Women’s Health.
We want to be the backbone to the health of all women with our diverse and cutting-edge technologies.
We want to be the pillar of support for them to live to the fullest.
With that in mind, we release a new brand for Women’s Health, “INNOMUSE”, a name drawing from “innovation” and “muse”.
We are here for all women to have a healthy tomorrow they can celebrate.
Breast Imaging

In the erea of breast imaging, we offer from screening to diagnosis and treatment support, and also aim to provide comfort examinations.

Digital Mammography Systems
Mammography is an X ray imaging method to examine the breast for early detection of cancer and other breast diseases. We offers the function developed for the purpose of reducing the pain.

Ultrasound Systems
Ultrasound examination is effective for examining dense breasts that are difficult to distinguish by mammography without exposure to radiation. We support breast cancer treatment in various situations, from breast cancer screening to detailed examination, identification of operative areas, treatment, and post-treatment follow-up.

MRI Systems
MRI of the mammary gland does not involve radiation exposure. Breast MRI supports from normal imaging to qualitative diagnosis using contrast agents.

Pink ribbon activity for early detection
FUJIFILM Group support the Pink Ribbon Campaign for early detection of breast cancer

In the field of obstetrics, we provide low-risk ultrasound and MRI diagnostic solutions that do not use X-rays for maternal and fetal development management, and support the birth of new life with the power of technology.

Ultrasound Systems
Ultrasound examination is widely used from fetal screening examination to detection of morphological abnormalities. 3D/4D is also used as a communication tool between mother and child.

MRI Systems
MRI scans can visualize the fetus, including the position of the fetus and the condition of the placenta.

We support the detection of uterine and ovarian tumors, which are diseases peculiar to women, treatment support, infertility treatment, and early detection of osteoporosis.

Ultrasound Systems
Supports early detection, diagnosis, and fertility treatment of uterine and ovarian tumors, which are diseases peculiar to women.

MRI Systems
Women-specific diseases such as uterus and ovaries can be scanned without radiation exposure.
Bone Health

Osteoporosis requiring early detection.Our bone densitometry system as a bridge between medical care and patients to meet a variety of needs.

Bone Densitometry Systems
From Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry to compact and portable Quantitative Ultrasound, From detailed examination to Health check, We will contribute to the creation of a system that makes it easy for anyone to take the exam.